I know I’ve basically disappeared for the last two months, if not most of the winter, but it is for good reason – We’re moving! I’m sure you hadn’t already figured that out from the title and the image 😉 Most people that know us personally take the “We’re Moving” conversation as a bit of a shock. I’m not completely sure why they do, but we have faced it many times over the last few months. I know we have a lovely current home.
We have put lots of effort over the last 7+ years to get this house to be “done.” And, just when it feels that way we realized we are not emotionally attached to our home, despite getting married here. But, the reality is we are ready to have more outdoor space, more privacy, and a better space for me to be able to work on my DIY projects. So, after looking for a house on the market that would suit our needs for months, and not finding it, we took the plunge and decided to build our next home. We have purchased a wooded lot which is 3.5 acres; it is in the country with beautiful farmland views and is only about 7 minutes away from our current home. After finding the lot we wanted, which was also a bit challenging, we had to move quickly onto the next phase which was selling our house. Bob and I had been gradually preparing our house for listing it for sale, starting around New Year’s. I took the time to really get organized, which seems to be what everyone does in the New Year, but I was ruthless about it. Many trips of trash and Goodwill donations. But, when the time was to list our house for sale, it was much easier. We still spent several intense weeks getting it ready. I had to move out my stash of projects into a storage unit, as well as all the off-season décor. I have quite a supply! We even did what seemed like crazy things, and painted our garage.
This was probably the first time I leaked out our moving plan on Instagram, because Bob had taken such a lovely picture of me I figured why not share with the world! Even though the garage painting seemed a bit over the top, it really does look good. And, when you spend so much time preparing your house to get ready to sell, it didn’t make sense to stop short of completing all areas. I don’t know that my craft room was ever this clean and staged.
And, I must admit that as I sit at that desk right now typing this up, it is nice to not have too much out to be distracting. A clean and bare kitchen is another sure sign of selling a house…right?!
I have to give photo credit to Bob, since he’s our Realtor, he took both of those pictures. We fully believe that all of our hard work paid off because our house was under agreement for sale in 5 days!! Now, we are really looking forward to the next phase in our moving process. Unfortunately, with building it does take time. So, we will be spending the summer and likely early Fall in temporary housing as our new home is built. But, when I look at the lot and our plans it will all be worth it. We started with this home as our inspiration.
We’ve made many changes to it as we are in the blue print process, but the overall look and style will be similar. The home above has an attached garage on the left side of the home, but we will have a detached garage. This is key, because the detached garage is what will allow me to have a workshop in one garage bay, and an upstairs space to have all my messy DIY and craft projects. I’m one happy girl! So, for now, here is a sneak peak of the blue prints that are still not final.
We are building another one story home with similar square footage, because what we have now is a good space for us. We are just arranging it differently inside. We’ve learned that the fully open concept is not what we want and we also want the additional bedrooms on the opposite side of the house from the master bedroom, so those are some of the key differences.
With that…I think I’ve rambled on long enough to hopefully explain my blogging absence and to share the excitement in our life right now. I have some project pictures saved up and I plan to share more along the way in our journey of building our new home. I hope you’ll follow along.
Exciting news for you! It sounds like your new home will be perfect for you both. Love your garage idea and look forward to seeing pictures when it’s completed!
Thanks Melody!! I’m looking forward to it and can’t wait to share when there is some progress.
Awesome! I can’t wait to hear all about it tomorrow! 🙂
Thanks Heather! I’ve got plenty to talk about and look forward to seeing you! 🙂