Surprisingly, I managed to decorate our house for Fall the day before it is actually Fall! For your everyday person, the day before Fall is early to have your decorating done, but for a blogger it is late. I was fortunate to have some time at home today to pull out all my fall decorations […]
Annual Tractor Ride – 2013 edition
For the last 8 years, my family has had plans for the 1st Sunday in October – it is the annual tractor ride in Juniata County. I wrote about last year, here. Last year, it was pretty chilly and there was a threat of rain, so there were only about 10 tractors that joined the […]
Happy 40th Anniversary Mom and Dad
Follow my blog with Bloglovin Today is a very special day. Today is the 40th wedding anniversary for my parents. 40 years! Such a wonderful milestone to reach. My parents have shown me how true love endures. I love that they were high school sweethearts and their lives have grown together. They are parents of four, […]
5 Years
5 years ago today, we had been living in our home for only a few weeks and we were already giving the living room a completely new look. We removed all the furniture and brought in 30 white chairs to prepare for our big day…our wedding day! We kept everything simple, decorating only with some […]
Christmas and New Year’s
We celebrate Christmas with my family on the Sunday after Christmas, so this year it was the day before New Year’s Eve, which meant celebrating just continued from one holiday right into the next holiday. Bob and I made it a nice extra long weekend to allow time for us to really enjoy our time with family and […]
Merry Christmas!
Wishing you a Merry Christmas!! Hope this finds you enjoying Christmas with your family and friends! Bob, Leslie and Puddy
Keri’s Baby Shower
Last Saturday, I had the pleasure of hosting a SURPRISE baby shower for my younger sister, Keri. It was a joint effort of my Mom, my older sister, Kristel, and I. We began planning it in early October, and boy does time fly when you are trying to plan a surprise and also get ready for the […]
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you are enjoying the holiday with family and friends. Our day is full of family time. We are blessed to be able to get to share the day with both of our families. As in year’s past, we will start the day at lunchtime with Bob’s family. It is a serious event, and […]
Annual Tractor Ride
Each year on the first Sunday in October, our family has a day of tradition. It is the annual tractor ride in my parent’s town. Last year, it was so cold the organizers canceled the ride. But, that didn’t stop us…we made our own ride! This year, my Dad organized the whole ride. We started […]
Labor Day Weekend Picnic
Bob and I decided to host our family for a Labor Day Weekend Picnic on Sunday, September 2nd. And, we also thought it would be a great time to recognize my Mom’s recent accomplishment of completing her Associate’s Degree. So, we invited everyone like a normal family picnic, but then I sent out a supplemental […]