I can’t believe Christmas is this week! I swear time just goes faster this time of year. This year, I didn’t go too crazy with my decorating, and I kept it simpler than some years. I think I only bought 2 new items too, which were both used in my dining room centerpiece. I used […]
Fall Home Tour
Surprisingly, I managed to decorate our house for Fall the day before it is actually Fall! For your everyday person, the day before Fall is early to have your decorating done, but for a blogger it is late. I was fortunate to have some time at home today to pull out all my fall decorations […]
My New Mohawk Rug and Giveaway
So, you know how long it took us to pick out a living room rug…yeah 1 whole year! Imagine my excitement when Mohawk Home contacted me to provide me with a rug….well I was extremely excited because we definitely need more rugs in our house, and you can’t beat free. But, there was also a […]
Our 2013 Christmas House
Welcome to our 2013 Christmas House! I know it is late in the season for a house tour, but it is my reality. I could blame the weather (bad photo conditions), but truthfully, I was still tweaking my decorations yesterday! 🙂 And, since I know it’s probably too late for you to do much with […]
Basement Bar DIY Backsplash
When we had the bar built in our finished basement, we knew we would eventually want to tile the backsplash. But, we didn’t worry about having our contractor do it, because we knew we would be able to DIY it in the future, since we had done it before. So, several months ago we began […]
Christmas and New Year’s
We celebrate Christmas with my family on the Sunday after Christmas, so this year it was the day before New Year’s Eve, which meant celebrating just continued from one holiday right into the next holiday. Bob and I made it a nice extra long weekend to allow time for us to really enjoy our time with family and […]
Keri’s Baby Shower
Last Saturday, I had the pleasure of hosting a SURPRISE baby shower for my younger sister, Keri. It was a joint effort of my Mom, my older sister, Kristel, and I. We began planning it in early October, and boy does time fly when you are trying to plan a surprise and also get ready for the […]
Bamboo Chairs – Before and After
I took my mother-in-law on one of my recent thrift shopping adventures. We were actually shopping for her, she wanted to find a new nightstand. But, of course I had fun looking as well. We both lucked out at Charlie’s Used Furniture in Lancaster. As she was checking out nightstands, I was just browsing the […]
Our Basement Retreat
When we bought our home, the basement was unfinished, but we knew that we wanted to finish it some day. Since our house is a ranch home, finishing the basement allowed us to double our square footage. Before we finished the basement, it only was used for storage and a space for my workouts. We […]
Frog City
We have an egress window in our basement, which is the required emergency exit. Its not very pretty to look at, but it provides natural light so we didn’t want to hide it. We tried to dress up the window by adding blinds and curtains, and even went as far as putting pebble stones in […]