Happy Monday! I’ve seen many tours through Blogland posted lately, and when Amy at Always Never Done asked me to participate, I jumped at the chance! Amy and I have basically been on this blogging journey together, ever since we went to our first Haven Conference and got the bug to change from just DIYers to also bloggers. We’ve been to all three Haven Conferences together and had a blast each year!! So, on this Blogland tour, I’m going to tell you about Amy and also introduce you to two other bloggers, Heather from Queen of Everything and Lori at The Stonybrook House. First up is Amy at Always Never Done.
Amy has been blogging for over a year, and she is a self-proclaimed garage-sale maniac. Her tag line is, “Updating renovating and thrifting that never ends,” and it’s true. She has so many great projects to share. Her most recent was this drawer turned jewelry holder.
She’s also started to dabble in some recipe sharing, and recently shared this healthy dish:
So, now it’s time to talk about me…ugh…I really hate writing/talking about myself, but here goes nothing! I’ve been blogging just over two years, and I really enjoy it. I’ll admit, every now and then I need a little break (just look at the last two weeks or so…no new posts). Before I would feel guilty about it, but now I realize it’s just the way my life goes. I work full-time as a Human Resources Manager, so my blog is my fun. I love yard sale and thrift shopping, so you see many of my finds and then what I do with them. Creating is my outlet. Besides DIY, I like crafts, and really love scrapbooking. I get a great sense of satisfaction seeing the finished product, no matter what it is. I’ve recently started to sell my projects and yard sale finds at a local thrift shop, and it has been so much fun! It gives me even more purpose in my Saturday morning yard sale rituals. What am I working on now? Right now, I have what feels like a million projects in process! I’m almost finished with a desk, have a console table, 2 chairs, a shelf, and framed wall art all in process. It’s a good thing I got to take over our basement unfinished area and turned it into my workspace. Yeah, this is the basement workspace before I really started working in it now…now you can barely move around I have so much furniture in there!
How does my work differ from those in my genre? I don’t think I really have one genre…I post whatever I feel like. I don’t stick to purely DIY. I throw in some crafts, some life, recipes, and even some travel. I think that is what makes me different.
Why do I write/create the way I do? I write the way I talk and the way I am. I create what I like. I may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but I’m just me. 🙂 How does my writing/creative process work? I go a mile a minute, and I thrive on deadlines and procrastination. Just like this post….it is now 8:20 pm on the day I’m supposed to publish it and I’m still writing! I always think I do my best work under pressure, so that’s how I operate. If I have too much time to think about things, I tend to spin my wheels and not get nearly as much done. Sometimes, I don’t really have a choice though, with a full-time job, I don’t have the luxury of time when it comes to creating and writing. I’m also not a night owl at all, so I’m not willing to give up sleep for any of the fun stuff. It’s actually getting close to bedtime now. Ok, enough about me, let’s talk about Lori and Heather. First up is Heather, Queen of Everything.
Hey y’all! I’m Heather from Queen of Everything, and Leslie invited me to participate in her tour through blogland this week. I’ve been blogging in some capacity for about 7 years, back before it was cool. I recently branched out on my own and started Queen of Everything from the ground up after being in a group blog for about a year – so it has definitely been a learning experience, but I have somehow managed to do it all myself! I’m a late night crafter, sometimes DIYer, always sarcastic, sweet tea (vodka) drinking, goofy girl. I’m not afraid to keep it real, because let’s be honest – most things I make do not turn out perfectly! You should also know that I am not a perfectionist when it comes to crafting and DIY. Or really anything. I write like I talk, and I’ll let you be the judge on whether or not that is a good thing! I live with my husband and two dogs in Fort Worth, Texas. We’re hoping to make a big move to Austin next year, which will (obviously) provide tons of blog fodder. Isn’t that why bloggers do everything? I kid, I kid. See, there’s that sarcasm I warned you about. Y’all come see me sometime over at Queen of Everything! I pulled two of Heather’s recent projects just to show you some of the eye candy she has on her blog. Heather made these neat clothespin photo frames.
And, updated this beautiful stereo cabinet.
Next up is Lori at The Stonybrook House.
Hi I’m Lori from The Stonybrook House. I’m a 40 something or other, that is a follower of Christ and has been married to my best friend for 26 yrs. I was so blessed to have the privilege to stay home with my kiddos for the past 20+ years, but now they are grown and Hubby and I are thoroughly enjoying our empty nest! I started this blog because I wanted something for me, an expression of who I am and what I do, as if running our home and managing apartments we co-own wasn’t enough. I like to blog about all the things that go on at The Stonybrook House, from decorating, organizing, cooking, gardening, and sewing to My Fashion over 40. I can’t say that I like to do only one thing… I really enjoy a bit of everything! Being so busy with life and our business, I am finally making time to paint and decorate. Always so little time, with so much to do! And, for a little flavor of Lori’s posts, check out her freshly painted, light and bright dining area.
Lori’s My Fashion over 40 posts are always fun to see too. I absolutely love her most recent outfit.
So, now you have met 3 other bloggers in the fun and fabulous world of blogland! I hope you’ll visit all of them and find some new inspiration. And visit Heather and Lori next week as they continue the Blogland Tour.
Hi Leslie! I am coming over to see Puddy’s House for myself after it was recommended to me by the beautiful Lori and The Stonybrooke House blog via the “tour through blogland”. I have a full=time job too like you and have just had to “give up” on trying to regularly scheduled blog posts. I have had to adopt more your philosophy of just doing posts when I can and not worrying about it. A blog is supposed to be fun, right!?
I’m so glad you agreed to be in Lori’s Blogland tour and that you stopped by! I’m now getting “sucked into” your blog, it will take me a while to get caught up, but it’s wonderful. yes, Blogging is to be fun and I have to remind myself of that regularly, even tonight I did! It is easy to fall into the trap of trying to post like crazy, but it really is about the fun and just post when you feel compelled. I think that is when the bests posts are written.