I was inspired to do something different with my Easter decorations this year. I didn’t want to use only the plastic eggs like last year. I had found some ceramic eggs at the thrift shop for 50 cents – there were 4 whole eggs and 4 eggs that were split in halves, all unpainted. So, I started with them and some acrylic craft paint. I also had some wooden eggs I found for 25 cents at the same thrift shop. There were too many yellow ones, so I painted some of them too.
I had yellow paint in my supplies, but no other Easter colors, so I had to buy a few new colors. The selection was slim at Jo-Ann Fabrics and I didn’t want to go to any other stores, so I ended up with green, purple and a pearly blue.
The paint covered really well with one coat and then I just flipped the eggs to coat the other sides and edges. They look pretty in my little ceramic basket – another thrift shop find for 50 cents…..you might notice a theme here 🙂
Now, those plastic eggs. I’ve seen jute wrapped, clothesline wrapped, and decoupaged done by other bloggers, but I wasn’t sure what I planned to do. While I was at Jo-Ann Fabric, I found some washi tape on sale for $1.79, and it was in spring colors, so I bought it. Surprisingly, I had never bought washi tape before!! It’s all over blogs with many uses, but I had never had a reason to use it. I actually bought it thinking I was just going to use it to make stripes, and then pull it off after I painted.
But, when I started to put it on the egg, I decided I liked the look and just kept covering it in random strips. I ended up with four washi-taped cover eggs that look cute.
I had one more idea for the plastic eggs. I had some beading, the same stuff I used at Christmas. All I used was the plastic eggs, beading and hot glue. I had white and blue beading.
My biggest fear with this craft was burnt fingers, so I tried to avoid touching the glue as much as possible. I just put the glue right on the egg.
And, then I started wrapping the beading. It went easier than I expected because the beading is so firm.
I tried different combinations of the eggs and beading.
To finish it off, I just cut between the beads and pushed the final bead into the end of the egg.
I love the final product. These were my favorite of all the eggs!!
I tried them in a few different containers. I ended up loving them in the glass dish the most.
I’ll share all of my Easter decorations later this week so you can see what I did with the eggs.
Did you make any Easter crafts?
Lovely, creative Easter eggs!
Thank you Marilynn!!
What a clever idea! Your Easter eggs are adorable!
Thank you so much!
These are so awesome! I am totally knocking those off next year!
Thank you Kim!! I’d love for you to knock them off!!