Welcome to our Christmas House! I’ve shared some pieces of projects around our house recently, but this is the complete tour of our home at Christmastime with many pictures and few words.
I just stuff several types of greenery in the urns and added a few faux berries, but I think the real highlight are the magnolia branches in each pot. This was the first year I’ve used them and I think it really adds to the overall composition.
The poinsettias are more burgundy than the picture shows, but you can get a pretty good idea of the overall look.
Right inside the door, the foyer table is decorated with tree #1. This tree is home to the more sentimental ornaments.
I had a lot of difficulty getting a picture of our real tree lit, so I snapped this one of Puddy is his normal spot with the tree in the background.
Same tree, just in daylight.
The living room coffee table, looking back to the foyer.
A little vignette on the table in the odd corner of the living room.
The powder room even has a little touch of Christmas.
These are the shelves above my desk in my craft room. They were the first part of the house to be decorated, since its one spot that is mainly just for me to enjoy.
I’m still using my spraypainted branches! I just changed the vase filler and added some snowflakes.
I have quite a variety of ornaments, so they end up in any vessel I can find around the house. These are on the buffet in our breakfast room.
This is my card display in our kitchen. I used an old cork board and just wrapped fabric around it using staples to secure it on the back, and added Christmas roping secured with nail head trim on the front and staples on the back. Above was with our first card that arrived. Below, it is now overflowing with greetings from friends and family.
Now, you are getting the tour of the basement decorations, starting with table and side table above.
The shelves get a whole new look for Christmas.
And, finally this is tree #3! This tree has had two different looks this year. It was decorated in pink for Keri’s baby shower, but I changed it to the blue decorations since then. We’ve only had this tree for two Christmases, and I just love it. It is so nice to be able to put it up early and leave it up for as long as we like. I think it was up until February last year!
I hope you enjoyed the tour of our Christmas House. Anyone else have three trees? Do you decorate the whole house, or just certain rooms?
Beautiful Christmas decorating!